Hi. I would love to think that someday I might be able to do more blogging about my painting but at the moment, I'm too busy living. Maybe when the weather changes and daylight savings time is a thing of the past for another year, I'll spend more time in front of my computer. I wish we could just stay on daylight savings time year 'round. Actually, I think it would be really great if we could have standard time in the morning, add an hour around lunch time that is "free", then have daylight savings time into the evening. More daylight all around and an "extra" hour in the middle of the day. Of course I guess that would mean we have to lose that hour while we were sleeping each night and I just read where there are more heart attacks after we switch in the spring than when we switch back in the fall. Okay, so there are still some bugs to work out but it's an interesting thought.
I just had 2 whole weeks off from work. My friend Jeanne B. visited from California for a week and it was wonderful to see her. We totally relaxed and just enjoyed each other's company. Did a little painting, took at trip to D.C. to see the George O'Keeffe show, and generally just goofed off. I hated to see her go.
Last weekend I spent 3 days at Flower Camp. If you don't know about it, Nancy Hugo (an amazing woman and a born naturalist) owns 50 acres in Buckingham Co. south of Richmond VA where she has turned a collection of delightful buildings into a retreat space where she offers workshops in flower arranging and nature journaling. I took the latter with instructor Rhonda Roebuck and had a ball! There were 12 of us in the class plus Rhonda and our wonderful chef for the weekend, Rosanne Shalf, and everyone of them was an exceptional person. I'm going to upload some pages from the journal I created as soon as I finish it so come back to check that out.
I'm also doing a PowerPoint presentation for the Master Naturalist course I'm taking on nature watercolorist Cathy Johnson. If you're at all interested in nature journaling, Rhonda and Cathy are 2 of the best. Check out their websites when you get a chance.
Meanwhile above are a few photos of Flower Camp.