Japanese Lanterns are also called: Chinese Lanterns, Ground Cherry, Husk Tomato, Winter
Cherry and Jerusalem Cherry. This perennial
comes from southeastern Europe and Japan. It gets it's name from the
distinctive color and shape of the papery husk, which resembles a Japanese Lantern.
The plant grows up to two feet tall, producing white, 5-petaled
in mid summer. The flowers give way to a light green,
lantern-shaped husk
with a berry inside. Dried, they are wonderful in arrangements. I
currently have about a dozen stems in a glass vase and it's stunning. As
it matures, the husk turns a bright orange-red color
and turns papery. As it decays, it becomes brown and lacey, showing
nothing but the veins and the single seed inside. In Virginia, it can
be rather invasive in the garden.
IMPORTANT: The unripe berries and the leaves of Japanese Lantern plants
are poisonous.
Tomatillos and Japanese Lanterns are both members of the deadly nightshade (Physalis) family, as are tomatoes.
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